Picture your life without Sciatica
. . . and say "NO" to unnecessary surgeries and drugs for back pain.
Picture your life without Sciatica
. . . and say "NO" to unnecessary surgeries and drugs for back pain.
. . . and say "NO" to unnecessary surgeries and drugs for back pain.
. . . and say "NO" to unnecessary surgeries and drugs for back pain.
This 30- minute procedure removes a small amount of disc material to reduce nerve pressure while preserving disc strength and causing minimal soft tissue damage. STOP LIVING WITH THE PAIN.
A more effective and affordable minimally invasive surgical solution to leg pain, numbness, and tingling from sciatica without tissue damage or long-term regrets.
PDD or Percutaneous Disc decompression is a revolutionary new way to get in and out of the herniated disc site without cutting through bone, therefore causing minimal soft tissue disturbance.
Most patients experience almost immediate relief from sciatica symptoms, with the following long-term benefits:
Many doctors believe “a chance to cut is a chance to cure”. Over time the evidence does not support that belief. If one surgical technique was consistently successful in removing the offending disc lesion, that technique would become the standard of care.
Why does one surgeon elect to perform a laminectomy to relieve back pain, and another surgeon elects spinal fusion? Currently there are over 500 options in surgical hardware. Which is the best ? Will something that worked for patient “X” work for all patients? The options and choices have become as confusing for physicians as they are for the patients.
You have only one spine, and it must last your entire lifetime. Your spine protects your spinal cord which carries messages from your brain to all parts of your body. These complex nerves carry both motor and sensory signals that control movement and make you aware of sensations like heat, cold and pain among others.
In 1934 Drs. Mixtur and Barr discovered the spinal herniated disc. The discs were shown to have the capacity to bulge and herniate, producing mechanical pressure on nerves causing back and leg pain.
Since that discovery over 80 years ago, physicians have struggled to create complex surgical techniques to remove the bulging or herniated disc.
1. Statistically less than 25% of second surgeries are successful. It has been observed that surgery is seldom successful for long-term back pain relief, often making patients worse, and it is impossible to expect the damaged tissue pieces to return to normal. Moreover, data has shown less than 25% of all second surgeries provide any improvement over the first surgery.
2. Spinal Fusion Hardware: the body was designed to move, and fusing the spine to relieve back pain can result in a myriad of unwanted complications:
3. A grossly invaded spine has permanent scar tissue. Scarring is simply unavoidable when cutting through muscles, tendons and ligaments, and it produces permanent damage.
Perfect healing or restoring to pre-surgical, state is unrealistic, yet over 500,000 people undergo this $100,000 surgery each year in hopes of a permanent cure for their back pain and sciatica.
In order for pain to be experienced a nerve signal must be sent to the brain from a source of irritation.
Lower back or leg pain can come from a mechanical local nerve irritation or a referred pain originating from a distant source
Have non-mechanical causes been ruled out?
Has an MRI identified an offending lesion or herniated disc?
Is the pain localized in the back, or is leg pain the primary concern?
Has a chiropractor or physical therapist successfully resolved your back pain in the past, and if so, does it reoccur?
Has the back or sciatica leg pain come and gone multiple times?, If so, has the pain increased, decreased or stayed the same?
Is your sciatica pain tolerable and could you live with it the rest of your life?
Have prescription medications or over the counter medications helped? If so, for how long?
Six out of 10 adults over age 50 suffer from back and joint pain. Drugs and surgery have diminishing returns in terms of pain relief versus other health complications and risks. Additionally, drugs do NOTprovide long-term relief.
We can help -- call to schedule your FREE consultation.
Our experienced medical professionals put your healing needs first. We are proud to provide a high quality level of customer service, medical experience, and commitment to health and wellness to all our patients. Our goal is to make you free from sciatica symptoms with minimally invasive solutions at the cellular level, as quickly as possible.
Our medical team will assess the source of your back pain and create a custom treatment plan that's right for you. We understand the importance of educating you on the most effective ways to avoid potentially harmful and unnecessary surgeries and drugs
Not only will our doctors treat your herniated disc symptoms, we also work to prevent pain and illness from occurring. We strive to help you improve your quality of life, achieve your wellness goals, and heal your body to live your best life possible.
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